Have you ever sat in a meeting and thought, "That really could have been an email"? Well, congratulations, you are now officially part of the time wasters club! To celebrate this unique experience, we present you the ultimate notepad for all your unnecessary meetings.
This notepad is perfect for those endless meetings you spend listening to colleagues discuss the obvious, delve into the depths of nonexistent problems, and offer solutions to questions no one asked. With enough space for all your frustration, sarcasm, and the occasional doodle art to ease the pain.
A6 notepad
- 50 pages of pure disappointment to fill during meetings that eat away at your soul piece by piece.
- Perfect for meetings lasting longer than 5 minutes (that's all of them).
- Ideal for collecting your thoughts for "things I'd rather be doing".
- A great gift for fellow sufferers.
In addition to all the life-changing features already mentioned, we've included two special features that make this notepad indispensable for anyone caught in the endless loop of meetings that had so much potential as email: Bullshit Rating Scale & Coffee Cup Counter.
- Made in Germany
A6 Notizblock
Bullshit-Bewertungsskala: Für die Tage, an denen das Meeting-Niveau bis "Warum bin ich überhaupt hier?" reicht. Jetzt kannst du jedem Meeting Punkte von 1 bis 10 zuweisen, je nachdem, wie sinnlos es war und erkenne, dass du nicht übertreibst – Meetings sind tatsächlich so sinnlos, wie du denkst.
Kaffee-Zähler: Wir wissen, dass Kaffee der einzige Grund ist, warum du überhaupt morgens aufstehst und dich in diese Meeting-Marathons begibst. Verfolge, wie viele Tassen du benötigst, um ein weiteres "Das-hätte-eine-E-Mail-sein-können"-Meeting zu überleben. Vergleiche deinen täglichen Kaffeekonsum und finde heraus, an welchen Tagen die Meetings besonders unerträglich waren.